Welcome to Connecta Emploi, a platform specialized in connecting companies and candidates for the best job opportunities in Quebec, Canada.
Below, we describe the Terms of Use of Connecta that govern the interaction between users and the platform. We suggest you read them carefully, as by using our services, you will be implicitly agreeing to them.
Happy reading!
TERMS OF USE – Connecta Emploi
- User Profile 1.1. The Connecta Emploi platform is restricted to individuals aged 18 and older.
- Registration 2.1. Registration on Connecta Emploi is free. 2.1.1. The user must fill it with their personal and professional information, including experience, education, and region of interest. 2.1.2. Each user will access the platform through a username and a private, non-transferable password. 2.2. Connecta Emploi reserves the exclusive right to accept, refuse, and delete any registration.
- User Responsibilities 3.1. The user agrees to: a) Provide true and verifiable personal and professional information at any time. b) Correct and complete their registration at the request of Connecta Emploi or at their own request. c) Respect the companies and other users registered on Connecta Emploi. 3.2. The user of Connecta Emploi is solely responsible for the improper or false use of the information included in their profile, subject to any sanctions that may result.
- Privacy 4.1. The user’s personal and professional information contained in their Connecta Emploi profile is confidential and protected, never to be shared, freely or commercially, with third parties. 4.2. The user’s information on Connecta Emploi will be shared exclusively with registered companies that have available positions compatible with their profile.
- VIP Area 5.1. The VIP Area is accessible to the user through the subscription to our Connecta VIP Plan. 5.1.1. The subscription to the Connecta VIP Plan is annual (12 months), with recurring monthly payments. 5.2. After 3 unsuccessful payment attempts, the user’s profile will be automatically suspended, and their access blocked. 5.2.1. If the payment is not regularized within 72 hours from the last unsuccessful attempt, Connecta Emploi will definitively cancel the user’s profile, charging a fine equivalent to 5 installments of the VIP Plan. 5.3. In the event of early cancellation, a termination fine equivalent to 5 installments of the VIP Plan will be applied and automatically charged through the payment method registered by the user on Connecta Emploi.
- Connecta Emploi Responsibilities 6.1. Connecta Emploi commits to: a) Provide job vacancies from registered companies on the platform. b) Offer a variety of courses. c) Provide comprehensive information to assist users in seizing job opportunities in Quebec. 6.2. Connecta Emploi does not provide jobs but only vacancies. The entire selection process, from the interview to the signing of the contract, is the sole responsibility of the company selecting the candidate. 6.3. Connecta Emploi does not guarantee, under any circumstances, obtaining a job. Its sole and limited obligation is to facilitate contact between users: companies and their vacancies and the profiles of candidates.
- Cancellation of Registration and Deletion of User Data 7.1. The user’s registration, whether in the Free Plan or the Connecta VIP Plan, may be canceled in case of: a) Providing false information. b) Disregarding the platform’s rules. c) And specifically in the case of the Connecta VIP Plan, in the absence of payment. 7.2. The cancellation of registration will be communicated to the user exclusively by email.
- Updates 8.1. Updates on the Connecta Emploi platform will be communicated to the user through electronic communication. If necessary, approval will be requested.
- Modification of the Terms of Use Provisions 9.1. Connecta Emploi reserves the right to modify the provisions of these Terms of Use at any time, with prior notification to users.
- Jurisdiction 10.1. The Terms of Use of the Connecta Emploi Platform are subject to Brazilian legislation.
- By using the Connecta Emploi Platform, you, the user, are expressly agreeing to these Terms of Use. In this regard, we recommend careful reading and review, and if necessary, legal advice to ensure a complete understanding of their content.
provisions with adequate notice.